Our Community
We are a global group of thinkers, inventors and entrepreneurs
CBT People
The UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies coordinates DLT research across eight UCL departments and amongst its network of Research and Industry Associates across the world. All of these scholars have complementary competences in many different areas of expertise.
Information Security
Distributed Systems
Network Theory
P2P Economics
Behavioural Science
Data Science
Technology Law
Smart Contracts
Banking Digitalisation
Systemic Risk
Complex Systems
Financial Intermediation
Banking Regulation
Blockchain Applications
Cyber + Operational Risk
CBT People
The UCL Centre for Blockchain Technologies coordinates DLT research across eight UCL departments and amongst its network of Research and Industry Associates across the world. All of these scholars have complementary competences in many different areas of expertise.
Information Security
Distributed Systems
Network Theory
P2P Economics
Behavioural Science
Data Science
Technology Law
Smart Contracts
Banking Digitalisation
Systemic Risk
Complex Systems
Financial Intermediation
Banking Regulation
Blockchain Applications
Cyber + Operational Risk
The UCL CBT draws on a network of over 245 Research and Industry Associates, and Corporate Partners that take part in all the research and industry engagement of the centre.
The UCL CBT draws on a network of over 245 Research and Industry Associates, and Corporate Partners that take part in all the research and industry engagement of the centre.

An interdisciplinary research area
As the largest blockchain academic centre in the world by number of research associates, the CBT is able to leverage its large network and global reach to leverage leading academics and practitioners at the frontline of blockchain and DLT research and deployment.

An interdisciplinary research area
As the largest blockchain academic centre in the world by number of research associates, the CBT is able to leverage its large network and global reach to leverage leading academics and practitioners at the frontline of blockchain and DLT research and deployment.