Principal InvestigatorDevelopment International e.V.
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International development practitioner and academic with eighteen years of project design and execution experience. Africa a regional focus, worked in the DRC, Kenya, South Africa, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Senegal, and in 2012 lectured at the American University of Nigeria. As a consultant for Tulane University, implemented a number of research and capacity building projects, which included in-depth research on human rights and public health issues in agricultural and extractive industries of West Africa and the Great Lakes Region of Africa. Since 2014 served as a Principal Investigator at International Development e.V., a not-forprofit, research centered organisation specialized in areas where law, business and development intersect. His research on corporate Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) performance has included conflict minerals (Dodd-Frank Section 1502), modern slavery (California TISC and UK MSA), and most recently EU NFRD studies on Sweden, Germany and Austria.

Principal Investigator
Development International e.V.


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