Research Project ManagerUCL
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Dr Jiahua Xu is Associate Professor in Financial Computing at UCL, where she teaches Blockchain Technologies and Digital Finance. She serves as Programme Director of the MSc Emerging Digital Technologies under the UCL Computer Science Department, as well as Head of Science at the DLT Science Foundation. Dr Xu teaches FinTech courses at various institutions, including EPFL, London Business School, and Center for Latin American Monetary Studies. She visited and has ongoing research collaboration with Harvard Business School, Imperial College London, and Vienna University of Economics and Business. Her research interests lie primarily in blockchain economics, behavioural finance, and risk management. She earned her PhD from the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, MSc from the University of Mannheim in Germany, and BA from Fudan University in China. Besides academic engagements, she advises startups in the financial technology sector.

Research Project Manager
