UCL CBT June Activities Newsletter

UCL CBT Introductory Blockchain Online Course with Future Learn

Our new introductory course with Future Learn is live. This online course spans four weeks and you study at your own pace and is completely free to take!

Sign Up Now


Research & Engagement 

Second Call for Reserach Proposals – Blockchain Tools To Combat Covid-19

We are excited to inform you about the opening of the second call for research proposals focussed on the theme of how blockchain can combat Covid-19. This call has a rolling deadline and is open until 18 July 2020. Projects will be assessed, and funding announcements made as and when they are received (until the funding pot is finished). Importantly this call is open to all of our Associates without needing to have a UCL Staff member acting as the Principal Investigator.

Apply Now


Submit Your DLT Solutions to the UCL CBT  Covid-19 Task Force

The COVID Task Force will convene key players in the global blockchain ecosystem to identify deployable technology solutions that address governmental, social and commercial challenges caused by COVID. Working on an expedited timetable, the Task Force will analyze, sort, package and present solutions to governments and organizations to deliver real value quickly. Learn more here.

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UCL CBT Events 

UCL CBT Online Seminar Series

Next months seminar is on 30th July at 18:00 UK time. Our speaker will be Navroop Sahdev on the topic of “New Sources of Risk (and the case for building antifragile systems). Last week’s recording of Rosario Mantegna’s seminar on the topic of  “Dynamics of fintech terms in news and blogs and specialization of companies of the fintech industry” is available here.

Register Now



Niall Roche and Dr. Alastair Moore have been working towards developing a set of Oracles to aggregate, extract and validate data from multiple sources then share using a data schema, storing in IPFS and published into a data trust such as Ocean Protocol. The aim of the project has been to create a data sources and a legal lexicon to develop dynamic legal agreements that can adapt to pandemic-aware smart legal contracts to make legal agreements that adapt to events such as Covid-19 in a transparent, responsible and predictable way. The legal smart contracts have been developed as part of the Open Source Accord Project of which Niall and Alastair lead on the Real Estate Working group. The project was developed out of the team’s participation in Global Legal Hackathon and COVIDathon and contributors are welcome.

Horst Treiblmaier has presented two papers co-authored with Aaron M. French (Kennesaw State University) and Marten Risius (The University of Queensland) at online conferences. The first one, entitled “Toward a Feasibility Framework for Blockchain Acceptance” was presented at the 3rd Pre-ECIS Workshop on Blockchain Research on June 5th. The second paper, entitled “Blockchain Transformation as a Socio-Technical Phenomenon”, was presented at the 6th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Perspective in IS Development (STPIS’20) on June 9th.

Navroop Sahdev, founder and CEO of The Digital Economist and fellow at MIT Connection Science spoke at Horasis India Summit on the panel “Rapid Digitalization – Hoped For, but Not Always Achieved” on June 22, 2020. Navroop also be moderated a panel on “Business Model Innovation to Drive Sustainable Growth” at Mission Possible on June 24, 2020.


Our Community 

Thiago Earp published an article Stablecoins and the Future of Crypto where he explains how stablecoins work, why should you care about it and argues that stablecoins are the holy grail of crypto, combining the stability of fiat and the borderless, peer-to-peer nature of cryptocurrencies.