Discussion Paper Series

By August 2, 2022updates

We are pleased to inform you that the latest number of UCL CBT’s Discussion Paper Series is out. Access it here: UCL CBT Discussion Paper Series | UCL Blockchain

This issue includes four submissions whose focus ranges from Governance in DAOs, CBDC and the Privacy Paradox, Stablecoins regulations, and a Proof of Identity Consensus Mechanism.


1. “Collusion-Proof Decentralized Autonomous Organizations” by Alexander Braun, Niklas Häusle, Stephan Karpischek.
Keywords: DAO, Staking, IncentiveCompatibility, CollusionProofness, GameTheory.

2. “Central Bank Digital Cash. A Credible Commitment to Privacy” by Ian Grigg.
Keywords: CBDC, PrivacyParadox, FinancialInclusion.

3. “Stablecoin Regulation: EU, UK and US Perspectives” by Pierre Ostercamp.
Keywords: Stablecoins, Regulation, Law, Cryptoassets

4. “The proof of identity” by Andrea Dalla Val.
Keywords: BlockchainConsensusProtocol, Proof of Identity (PoI), BlockchainTechnology

Enjoy your reading!