Professor of EconomicsUniversity of Siena
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He is Professor of Economics at the University of Siena (Italy) and Life Member of Clare Hall College, University of Cambridge (UK). He earned an Undergraduate Degree in Statistics and Economics (cum laude), from the University of Siena, a Master in Statistics from the London School of Economics (UK) and a Phd in Economics from the University of Siena. He has been Fullbright Student (US) and British Chevening Scholar (UK). He served as Chair of the Department of Economics and Deputy Rector of the University of Siena.  He has been Italian Delegate for the 7th EU Framework Research Program, Honorary Professor at the Maastricht School of Management (NL) and Visiting Professor at IMT Lucca (Italy). His research interests include game and decision theory, auction theory, supply chain and procurement, pharmaceutical and health economics. Since 2016 he developed a strong interest for the economics of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. 

He has given several talks and seminars in different countries, organized and participated to international conferences, consulted and trained diffusely in Italy and abroad. He has published extensively in international peer review journals such as Theoretical Computer Science, The Review of Economic Dynamics, Decision Analysis, The Review of Industrial Organization, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, Ledger and others.          

Professor of Economics
University of Siena

Starting with 2016 he became very interested in the economics of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. In particular, since then he has written game theoretic papers on the mining activity and the block size in Bitcoin, as well as on the economics of proof of stake. More recently he has worked on the cost of smart contracts in Ethereum, pointing out an analogy between the cost conceptual framework and second-price all-pay contests. Additionally, he has also worked on the representation of the blockchain as a Markov Process in the blocks ha  

He is Review Editor of Frontiers in Blockchain and Associate Editor of IET Blockchain      



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